A healthy and sustainable community is at the heart of all we do.
At Food Lion, we are strongly committed to operating as responsible corporate citizens. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we continually look for ways to ensure we operate in a sustainable manner by reducing our carbon footprint, providing healthy food choices and ensuring a safe working and shopping environment for all our associates and customers.

Ahold Delhaize joined the Global Commitment To Eliminate Plastic Pollution, led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
in collaboration with UN Environment.


- Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
plastic packaging and move from single-use
to reuse packaging models. - Innovate to ensure 100% of plastic packaging
can be easily and safely reused, recycled,
or composted by 2025. - Circulate the plastic produced, by significantly
increasing the amounts of plastics reused
or recycled and made into new packaging
or products.

energy star compliant
energy star partner of the year award 2017

Genetically Modified Food Policy
At Food Lion, we’re passionate about providing our customers with nutritious and affordable products. We want customers to have confidence in the products we sell and access to foods that fit their dietary needs and lifestyles. Food Lion understands that navigating genetically modified foods (GMOs) can be a complex issue for customers. Our goal is to ensure customers have consistent and easy to read information about GMOs right on products.
As a result, Food Lion is choosing the most transparent labeling option to make it easier for customers to understand what’s included in the products they love by requiring all private Food Lion products to have clear on-pack Bioengineered Food* disclosure. We are working to complete this well ahead of the Federal Bioengineered labeling deadline of January 1, 2022.
Farm Animal Welfare Policy
Food Lion is a passionate supporter of the well-being and welfare of farm animals. We are continuously refining our approach and seeking to improve sustainability and transparency within our supply chain. Food Lion looks to partner with suppliers who are committed to sound, science-based animal care practices and the elimination of animal cruelty, abuse and neglect. We believe that an animal's welfare at all phases of its life should be considered in terms of the globally recognized “five freedoms” of animal welfare.
Click here to read the full policy, including requirements for suppliers and issues statements on topics within animal welfare such as cage free eggs, animal testing, growth hormones and more.