Sponsorship Application
Thank you for considering Food Lion as a sponsor for your upcoming event or initiative. We are excited for the potential opportunity to work with you. At Food Lion, we are passionate about our community partnerships and strive to provide an "Easy, Fresh, & Affordable… You can count on Food Lion Every Day!" experience locally in the towns and cities we serve.
To submit your proposal for consideration, please complete the following online questionnaire. This application should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please note, all questions must be answered to be eligible for a sponsorship and submitted through the online form.
Food Lion does not currently accept proposals sent via mail or fax. When submitting your proposal, please attach all other relevant sponsorship informational materials.
Once submitted, you will receive an email acknowledgement of your submission and a reply to your proposal will be reviewed within 6-8 weeks with our level of interest.
Before completing the sponsorship questionnaire, please be aware that the Food Lion Marketing Team does not currently sponsor the following:
- Beauty Pageants
- Advertisements in Yearbooks, Athletic Schedules or Programs
- Political or religious groups/events
- Donation Requests, Non-profits/Charitable Contributions
- Golf Tournaments
Please note, all donation requests from our valued non-profit partners and agencies, with a focus on feeding and hunger-relief, can be directed to our Community Relations team by visiting https://fl-do.sponsor.com.
Thank you, again, for your interest in working with the Food Lion Marketing Team. We wish you the best of luck with your event!