Teacher Appreciation Week - Appreciating Our Local Teachers
June 18, 2019 | Food Lion

Appreciating Our Local Teachers
Supporting our neighbors in the towns and cities we serve is important to Food Lion, and that includes the teachers in those communities. Recently, ahead of Teacher Appreciation Day on May 7, Food Lion associates delivered gift bags full of snacks for teachers, faculty and staff at:
- Kingston Elementary school in Conway, S.C.
- Black Mountain Elementary in Black Mountain, N.C.
- Fairview Elementary in Fairview, N.C.
- Greer Elementary in Charlottesville, Va.
- Walker Elementary in Elizabeth City, N.C.
- Achievable Dream Academy in Newport News, Va.
Each teacher received a Food Lion reusable bag and a $10 Food Lion gift card as well as gift baskets filled with Food Lion treats for their teachers’ lounge to be enjoyed throughout the day. We recognize that often times teachers are using their own resources to provide snacks and school supplies for their classrooms, so this was a way to recognize and support that.
The best way to sum up the teacher surprises was from Darla Ullery Albemarle County Schools in Virginia, where Greer Elementary school was the recipient. “You all were so very generous and kind to think of us and found the best way to kick off our Teacher Appreciation Week!”
In addition, Food Lion associates in Virginia partnered with Virginia Peninsula Food Bank to pack 100 backpacks for children at An Achievable Dream Academy in Newport News, V.A., and associates in Elizabeth City, N.C., made a $1,000 donation to Edenton Chowan Food Pantry in support of the backpack program they operate at D.F. Walker Elementary School.
Hampton, Va., area store manager, Erica Hayes led the team for her region. “It was amazing! The teachers were so appreciative, and we were humbled by the opportunity to give back to them and their students.”
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