Make Your Own Baby Wipes

October 02, 2018 | Food Lion
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Baby wipes are an absolute necessity when raising children in diapers. However, there are two main problems with store bought baby wipes. First, the chemicals found in the baby wipes can sometimes irritate the skin. Second, the cost of baby wipes can be pretty significant and can really do a number to your budget.

The solution? Homemade baby wipes! Baby wipes are easy to make and completely customizable. The wipes are made made with good quality paper towels that are easy on the skin. The paper towels are soaked in a solution that combines water, baby wash, and essential oils. You can use baby oil instead, but I've found essential oils to be the best natural alternative.

DIY Baby Wipes


  • High quality paper towels (thick and absorbent)
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 2 TBS baby wash
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil


First, be sure to start with high quality paper towels. Low cost options tend to be thinner and will fall apart under the water mixture. Use either an electric knife or a very sharp knife to cut the paper towels in half. Once cut, set aside.

In a bowl or large measuring cup, mix together the water, baby wash, and essential oil.

Place one half of the paper towels in a bowl and cover with the water mixture, pouring slowly to keep from spilling.

Let the paper towels sit in the bowl for about 10 minutes. Turn them over halfway to make sure the water mixture soaks completely through. Then, pull out the center cardboard piece. This will allow you to pull up one paper towel (sheet) at a time. There you have it, your homemade baby wipes are complete!

This recipe can be altered to make cleaning wipes, glass wipes, and much more. Below is a recipe for natural cleaning wipes using recycled paper towels. (Remember, using high quality paper towels is key for these recipes.)

This recipe features tea tree oil, which is a natural antiseptic that makes it perfect for cleaning. Lemon oil is also a great alternative with a wonderful clean smell your whole family is sure to enjoy.

DIY Natural Cleaning Wipes


  • 1 roll high quality paper towels (recycled)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 2 tsp dish soap
  • 10 drops tea tree oil


Make these wipes using the same method above and store in a leftover cleaning wipes container for easy use. The wipes typically do not dry out but, if they do, simply make a new batch of solution and pour over the wipes.

Note: You can also use rags if you'd like to make it more earth-friendly. If using rags, it's best to store the wipes in a mason jar to keep them sealed tight.

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