How to Stay Organized During the Holidays
December 05, 2018 | Food Lion

How to Stay Organized During the Holidays
Planning ahead helps you have an organized Christmas — and one that's enjoyable. From easy Christmas recipes to hacks to get it all done, Food Lion has everything you need to make the most of your holiday.
Start with a Clean Slate
Before you start decorating and new gifts start to roll into your house, do a clean sweep. Throw away and donate items that you no longer need or use. Do a deep clean of your home so that you can do touch-ups throughout the season to stay on top of the mess.
Remember Early Birds Really Do Get the Worm
Starting your holiday planning early means less stress. With more time, you can spread the must-do tasks out and still fit in all the fun things. Use a holiday planner to map out all the categories that you have for your holiday — things like shopping, meal planning, and activities. When you're planning, assess the things that you do each year and think about cutting out the things that are more chores than joys. Get the tough stuff out of the way early so you can enjoy the season and spend less of December shopping in the mall.
Be Like Santa: Make a List and Check It Twice
The list is not only a way to stay organized, but it's also a way to track what you've gotten done. Keep a running list on your phone and set reminders so you can knock things off as you're doing regular errands. Each time you think of a task, add it to your list. Make sure that you cross things off rather than remove them. This tracking helps you to see what's done so that you don't forget during this busy season.
Don't Break Your Budget
Being organized means making a plan and sticking to it, including staying aware of how much money you spend. Set your budget realistically and avoid overspending. Add a bit of padding in the budget to cover unexpected expenses during the holidays.
Add Some Fun
When tasks seem like chores, approaching them in a new way can help. Shop with a friend or plan to meet up for lunch to break up the errands. Plan a wrapping party to wrap gifts and share appetizers. Build in downtime for yourself on the calendar to make sure you're relaxed and have time to reduce stress.
Use Technology
The technology at your fingertips is your most valuable weapon. Use apps to track your online orders and delivery dates. Find great recipes and download different shopping lists. Beyond ordering gifts online, you can even send your cards online. Take advantage of the options to make life easier.
Lower Your Expectations
As you try to create the perfect holiday, know that nothing goes perfectly and that the vision in your head may not play out in reality. If you burn the fruitcake, it won't ruin the day. Being together with family and friends makes it all worthwhile and adds to the joy of the season.
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