Food Lion Feeds Orange Bag Campaign
June 18, 2019 | Food Lion

Food Lion Feeds Orange Bag Campaign
Be on the lookout March 6th for a new campaign to start in-store. Food Lion is partnering with our customers to help end hunger in their local communities by offering specially-marked Food Lion Feeds bagged oranges for sale in its stores. In its first year, the bagged orange campaign will help nourish families and their neighbors in need by providing more than 1 million meals* to end hunger in local communities across Food Lion’s 10-state footprint.
With the sale of each bag from March 1st through March 26th, or while supplies last, Food Lion Feeds will donate five meals* to local food banks in partnership with Feeding America®. The number of meals donated to each food bank will be based on the number of participating bagged oranges sold in each food bank’s service territory. The bags will maintain an MVP sale price of $2.99 throughout the campaign.
Through Food Lion Feeds, the company has made a commitment to provide 500 million meals to individuals and families in need by the end of 2020.
*$1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America® on behalf of local member food banks. Through the orange bag campaign, $0.50 (monetary equivalent of 5 meals) from each bag purchase will be donated to Feeding America and member food banks. Food Lion guarantees a minimum donation of $100,000 (monetary equivalent of 1 million meals.) from March 6 – 26, 2019. For more information, visit
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