Delivering Meals and a Smile to Homebound Seniors
October 07, 2019 | Food Lion

Delivering Meals and a Smile to Homebound Seniors
We all have an elderly person in our life who needs a little more support now than a few years ago.
Maybe it’s a grandparent, a neighbor or a family friend.
But regardless of the connection, we all have someone like this in our lives that we worry about.
The worry may be caused by their health as they age, or maybe their financial security as they live on a fixed income. Unfortunately, increasingly so, access to another basic need is causing worry: food.
More than five million seniors face hunger in our country, and according to Meals on Wheels America, 7.1 million seniors live in poverty, and 1 in 4 seniors live alone.
They’re seniors like Bill, one of our neighbors in South Carolina, who appreciates the meals he receives from his local Meals on Wheels agency.
“The meals are extremely helpful. They come prepared and I just have to stick them in the microwave,” he said.
Americans are living longer, and are often outliving their savings (if they have been fortunate enough to be able to save at all).
In communities everywhere, some of our most vulnerable neighbors like Bill are hungry, and often being forced to make impossible choices between food and medicine, or utility bills and groceries.
At Food Lion, we believe no one should have to make such impossible choices. That’s why we’re working with local Meals on Wheels organizations, Feeding America® and their member food banks and many other local organizations to end senior hunger in the towns and cities we serve.
These five million food-insecure seniors are often forced to rely on local feeding agencies or programs like Meals on Wheels for nutritious food, and that’s why through Food Lion Feeds, Food Lion has worked on ending senior hunger for many years.
In addition to financial assistance and food donations to our nonprofit community partners, Food Lion associates have donated their time volunteering at Meals on Wheels organizations in communities across our 10-state service area.
Frankie Marshburn, a local Food Lion retail leader in the Richmond, Va., area, who, along with local store managers has volunteered with the local Meals on Wheels affiliate for the past several years, said the visits are always deeply rewarding.
“The meals that we gave each senior we visited put a great big smile on their face,” Marshburn said.
In addition to providing homebound seniors a nutritious meal, these visits also provide an opportunity for companionship and a wellness check for the 25 percent of seniors who live alone.
Caring for our seniors in important to us, because they are our neighbors. That’s why we’re working so hard with our partners to make sure our communities have the resources they need to end senior hunger in the towns and cities we serve.
We are committed to ensuring that none of our seniors are left behind, hungry or alone.
Join us in the fight to end hunger by volunteering at a local feeding agency in your community! You can find one by entering your zip code here.
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