Most Searched Thanksgiving Desserts
November 19, 2019 | Food Lion

Thanksgiving is upon us, and from Daytona Beach to Seattle, there's just one thing on everyone's mind. You guessed it - Food! Turkey, stuffing, casseroles and mashed potatoes are all delicious, but fall is harvest season, and that means your favorite desserts are ready for the oven. Whether it's pie, cake or bread, you and your neighbors are preparing to whip up the best Thanksgiving desserts to bring to the table and share with loved ones.
Of course, calling a dessert the 'best' is subjective, and you might be surprised by the most popular Thanksgiving desserts people from each state search for on Google. Do you agree with your state's top choice? Let's take a look.
The Cheesecake Belt
This dessert making it on the list is a bit of a surprise, right? After all, cheesecake is not usually associated with Thanksgiving. Still, this delicious and creamy dessert has captured the hearts of most southern states, ranging from Texas to Tennessee. It is also popular in the neighboring states of Illinois and Indiana, as well as Nevada.
Cheesecake, for all its richness, is still pretty simple to make and doesn't require out-of-the-box or expensive ingredients, which means you can make more treats to go around. Just remember to refrigerate it before digging in because it can lose its consistency if it isn't allow to cool properly.
Looking for some additional tasty cheese recipes? Here are three we know you and your loved ones will enjoy:

East Coast Apple Pie
Apple Pie is possibly the most iconic fall dessert - rivaled only by its pumpkin counterpart - and is hugely popular in the northeast. Do you see a possible pattern here? Apple pie is a delicious traditional dessert, and much of the Eastern seaboard represent the 13 original colonies. Coincidence? We think not. Apple pie has kept its reputation to this day - along with hot dogs and baseball - as something fundamentally American.
Of course, that only accounts for some of its popularity. Apple pie is also a delicious Thanksgiving dessert, with its buttery, crisp shell and tart, gooey, and sugary filling. It's also commonly paired with vanilla ice cream which makes for a fantastic combo that really makes the holiday dinner table feel a little extra merry.

Pumpkin Pie Domination
Of all the common Thanksgiving desserts, pumpkin pie has always held down the top spot in our hearts. The polls show this, with pumpkin pie represented all across America, from California to Maine. It’s strange to think a gourd used in very few other recipes could become such a staple of the Thanksgiving table, but once you’ve tasted a good homemade pumpkin pie, all your doubts will vanish.
Like cheesecake, pumpkin pie is better served cold so it can keep its consistency. If possible, make you filling rom authentic pumpkin. That said, canned pumpkin filling can be equally as good, and cuts down on teh work involved. Some recipes call for a graham cracker crust, but if you are feeling old-fashioned, make yours using the traditional method with flour and water.
Skipping the canned pumpkin and want some tips on peeling and prepping the orange gourd for your Thanksgiving pie? Check out the video below.

Banana Bread Holdouts
Like cheesecake, banana bread is not usually associated with Thanksgiving. Often seen as a sort of tasty catch-all, banana bread shows up at family gatherings and casual get-togethers. Still, two states — North Dakota and Nebraska — have more searches for this sweet bread than any other, making it their favorite Thanksgiving dessert recipe. We get it - once you have a taste for the bread, it's hard to go back.
Other variations of this recipe include zucchini or pumpkin, but those are different beasts entirely. Banana bread has that perfect blend of sweet and fluffy, baked with or without walnuts and chocolate chips, per your preference.
Honorable Mentions
We've not gone through the top four Thanksgiving desserts, but let's review some honorable mentions. carrot cake and pecan pie were also popular searches but did not end up carrying any of the states. Other Thanksgiving desserts are always an option, but the four we listed above are the most-searched - and, therefore, most popular Thanksgiving desserts.
This Turkey Day, will you follow along with your regional favorite or snag a recipe from a different state? Either way, spend your holiday with friends and family and make more memories, more surprises, and of course ,enjoy more treats together.

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